
Ipazia - women against environmental challenges
Ipazia is a STEM-based project that, involving local VET providers aims to:
- actively stimulate young people's creativity and involvement in the fight against the climate crisis.
- be an input for VET providers to find innovative solutions to overcome the skills mismatch between the education sector and the local labour market.
- enhance the attractiveness of VET providers, especially for girls, using a hands-on approach to show them how they can be leaders of long-lasting change.

Lost Outfits Used Sustainably (LOutUS)
LOutUS is a project in the vocational education sector that aims at building the competencies of students about sustainable fashion practices, so that they can adopt new habits and become sustainable fashion ambassadors. The project offers students an opportunity to build bonds with local and European environmental experts and peers. The project is delivered in partnership with AmbiMente APS (Italy) and Asociación IROKO Desarrollo Forestal Sostenible (Spain).

cReative YOUth over 65 (R You 65)
The project promotes to the active ageing of older adults (+65 years old) through art workshops. Delivered in partnerships with E.I.T.D. (Italy) and Asociación para el desarrollo SocioEmocional de la persona, la sociedad y para la cooperación internacional Uno (Spain), the R YOU 65 project allows seniors to proclaim their identities through artistic means and give them the opportunity to travel to other European countries.
Project dates: 01/03/2022 - 01/09/2023

A Gamified Approach to Environmental Mainstreaming in Youth Mobility Projects (GAEMY)
G.A.E.M.Y.'s main objective is to build the capacity of European youth organisations to organise environmentally friendly international mobilities for young people, specifically by enhancing the capabilities of youth mobility organisers to include environmental mainstreaming in all phases of their projects and by raising the awareness of young people regarding environmental and climate-change challenges and enable them to be true actor of change. The project is coordinated by Asociación IROKO Desarrollo Forestal Sostenible (Spain) and is delivered in partnership with Together for Success (North Macedonia).

United in Biodiversity: A STEAM Approach to Biodiversity Education in European Schools
The United in Biodiversity project is an Erasmus+ initiative aimed at introducing biodiversity education in the primary school curricula, particularly in the STE(A)M subjects. The project is delivered in partnership with organisations in Greece, Italy, Brazil, Portugal and Poland. Through this project we will create lesson plans for STE(A)M teachers to integrate biodiversity challenges in their classrooms, as well as a thesis competition for university students and a MOOC course.

STE(A)M in the Forest: An Inclusive Approach to Forest School for STE(A)M teachers
The STE(A)M in the Forest project is an Erasmus+ initiative aimed at primary and lower secondary school teachers. Through the project, we empower teachers to develop and deliver STE(A)M activities in forest settings and parks. The project includes an international trip for Spanish and Italian teachers to Dublin to learn about forest schools, the development of an online course, and the piloting of STE(A)M-based activities in forest settings with 60 pupils.

Art in Transition: Supporting Young People's Mental Health in Critical Stages of Life (Art in Transition)
The goal of this project is to support mental health of young people in critical stages of lives, particularly transition periods. This will be achieved by providing educators the capacity to support mental health of young people in transition periods and by developing the capacity of young people to regulate their thoughts, emotions, and behaviour (Emotional Skills, OECD) through art-based approaches. The project is delivered in partnership with Training Academy - L'Accademia Della Formazione (Italy), the Macedonian association for applied psychology (North Macedonia), and Idee In Movimento (Italy).

Kateika: Piloting home economics in the EU primary school curricula
The objective of this school project is to pilot home economics activities in EU primary schools to develop key skills for independent and responsible adults”. The project is based on the Japanese “kateika” subject which is taught in schools and covers topics like family life, basic cooking, comfortable clothing and housing and much more. The results of the project are an EU roadmap to integrate kateika in the school curriculum, and the development of skills and capacity of Portuguese, Italian and Turkish teachers to deliver this innovative subject. The project is delivered in partnership with Externato Paulo VI (Portugal), Istituto Comprensivo Campi Elisi (Italy), and OMU Foundation College (Turkey).

Local Participatory Democracy Made Inclusive through Creativity
The ParticipArt project is an Erasmus+ project focussed on strengthening the dialogue between young people and local policy-makers through arts and creativity. The project is based on the appreciative inquiry model and involved the creation of a new methodology to engage young people from Ireland, Italy and Portugal to create artworks and videos reflecting their opinions and views on a local issue that needs to be solved. At the end of the project, we organised meetings with policy-makers to present the artworks.

School Biodiversity Alliance: A Creative and Collaborative Approach to Tackle Biodiversity Loss in Europe
The School Biodiversity Alliance project is an Erasmus+ project aimed at supporting primary schools to develop biodiversity education activities in their curricula. Through the project, we organise a capacity building training for teachers and deliver an international art contest for pupils of primary schools, which will aim at finding creative solutions to local biodiversity problems in their countries.